Restaurant Review: Gasiinsamut Thai Fusion Restaurant, Katoomba

Sydney . 2013 . May 20

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

If you are at Katoomba in Blue Mountains, do take note that though there are plenty of shops, cafes and restaurants at Katoomba Street, most of them close early at around 5:30 – 6:00pm.   The only ones which open till late are the Asian restaurants and eateries, and we happen to know that the Blue Hour CafĂ© (great coffee!) also closes slightly later than usual.

As I had a strong craving for Asian fare (especially Thai cuisine) on our second day at Katoomba, we selected Gasiinsamut  Thai Fusion Restaurant amongst the other Asian outlets for our dinner.  This was about the only Thai restaurant available in Katoomba.

Gasiinsamut Thai Fusion Restaurant, Katoomba (Credits:
From the looks of it, this restaurant is run by a Thai family.  We were the only customers dining in (so we had the whole restaurant to ourselves!), although there were some take-away pick-ups by what looked like regular customers. 

Beautifully decorated Thai Restaurant interior. Thai pride was very much evident with the display of the Thai King's photo portrait in the restaurant.

Thai tom-yum soup is a must-have for me, and for that matter, for anyone who frequents a Thai restaurant.  This is a creamy version of the Thai tom-yum soup, and this is the first time that I ever encountered this, making us doubt its authenticity.  We later learnt that the Thais actually serve creamy tom-yum soup in Thailand and it is only in Singapore that the cream is missing in the recipe. That gives us an excuse to go back to Bangkok again soon to try an authentic Thai Restaurant there! :)

The tom-yum soup is actually really quite tasty (although I really prefer it without the cream, but the restaurant were unable to customize it to my liking).  To be honest, the cream base of the soup helps to neutralize the rich spices of the soup, making it easier on my stomach lining.  They are also very generous with the portion and its ingredients (large mushrooms and chicken meat) and I would say, this soup served with white rice can already make a meal. 

We must admit, the portions for the rest of our orders were huge too.   The Thai Fried Rice looked like it could serve 2 and we actually tried to cancel our order of the Pad Thai when we saw the amount of food served.  Both dishes were great, albeit a little too oily.

The cost of the meal is not cheap, but this is about the price range in all other restaurants and cafes in the Katoomba region. We were too hungry on that day and didn't really take photos of the menus and the receipt! ;P

Final Verdict: 

Not perfect, but serves authentic Thai food.

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

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Jenolan Caves at Blue Mountains Sydney – Part II (Orient Cave)

Sydney . 2013 . May 20

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

After a most eye-opening experience at the Lucas Cave, we only had half an hour to have a quick lunch before our next guided tour of the Orient Cave at 1:30pm.

The Orient Cave is considered one of the most beautiful caves in the world, according to the Jenolan Cave’s official website.   While the Lucas Cave is famed for its massive chambers, the Orient Cave is the one with the most extensive and elaborate limestone structures.  Its passageway and chambers are much narrower than the Lucas Cave, offering a much more intimate experience.   For this reason, the maximum capacity of this tour is only about 26 persons.

If you have not gotten the cave visit tickets prior to your arrival at Jenolan Cave, you could still purchase tickets to the various cave tours at the ticket office in the Information Centre building.  As there is a limited capacity for each tour, it is still recommended to book online early for the popular tours.   For those who only want to do one cave tour, there are numerous FREE bushwalks around the area, including one easy hike around the beautiful Blue Lake that we saw in our visit to the Lucas Cave

We made a quick walk to the Visitor Centre for lunch after the Lucas Cave tour.  Fortunately, the gathering point for the Orient Cave was just behind the outdoor seating area and we could keep a close eye on tour departure.

There is a building with a small cafe that sells some hot food with an indoor seating area.

Waiting Point for Orient Cave visit. It's just next to the outdoor seating area.

The queues for food at the visitor centre was astonishingly long and slow, so we only had time to pick up a box of greasy fries and a hotdog.  It’s recommended to bring your own lunch, if you could, because the food here is generally expensive and unappetizing.

Our cave guide for the Orient Cave picked us up at the tour waiting area on time and we began a short walk to the back of the Jenolan Caves, where the Cave House is.  The Cave House is the only accommodation available at the Jenolan Caves, and is perfect for travellers who wants a wilderness retreat or to have more time to explore more caves.

In contrast to the Lucas Cave which started us off with a long flight of stairs, we were led into a cavity in the rock face to begin our exploration of the Orient Cave.  This is actually the Binoomea Cut, an artificial tunnel built in 1954 to allow access to the Orient Cave, which was originally accessible only through the River Cave.

The Binoomea Cut of the Orient Cave.  It makes me feel like a miner going off to work in the caves!   See the amount of sparkling crystals in the rocks?  Even at this stage, we see early signs that the Orient Cave is more heavily decorated in a natural way than the Lucas Cave.

The Orient Cave was discovered way back in 1903, but it was not opened to public inspection until 1917, to allow for the installation of electric lighting and paths. The Orient Cave contains some of the grandest formations in the Jenolan Caves and was steam cleaned to preserve them in 1968.

Batsend Chamber

This is the very first chamber at Orient Cave that we stopped at.  It’s kind of smallish, and a little cramp for our group of about 20.   But even at this point, there were impressive structures around and above us.

To let us have a feel of how impressive the structures are, we were given a large piece of limestone to have a good look.  That rock may not seem very large, but it weights at least 7-8kg in our hands!

Right at back of the small chamber is a narrow flight of staircase, cutting though the rock formations that will bring us to the next stop in the Orient Cave.

Persian Chamber

The Persian Chamber is considered by many as the most impressive chamber of Jenolan, not in terms of size, but in terms of the dazzling array of floor to ceiling decorations.  The height of the chamber is over 30m, and houses the  tallest stalagmite at Jenolan, the Pillar of Hercules at 10m tall.

Due to the angle, we did not manage to take a good shot of the Pillar of Hercules. Here's a photo taken by Mr. Robert Smieszek that we found on the web on how it look likes. You may want to click here to take a look! :)
Pillar of Hercules, Orient Cave (Credits: Mr Robert Smieszek)

 And here’s a quick glimpse of our cave guide. :)

There’s a staircase to bring us to the base of the Persian Chamber to see a range of helicites in more detail.

The Egyptian Chamber

This chamber must be so-named because of the large structures that look like Egyptian shawls sold in the market.  It is also home to the second largest shawl in Jenolan.


The Indian Chamber

More structures in the Indian Chamber!

The Indian Canopy located in this chamber is the inspiration behind the logo of the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust.

All too soon, we’ve come to the exit of the Orient Cave.  The Orient Cave tour, just like the one for Lucas, takes 1.5 hrs to complete.   Overall, it is a relatively easy walk as compared to the Lucas Cave, with only 358 steps to climb.

Final Verdict:

The experience at the Orient Cave is very much different from that of the Lucas.  What the Orient Cave lacks in magnificence in size, it makes up for it in terms of beauty.   But for a first-timer, if we were to choose between the two tours, we would still do the Lucas Cave tour, as it is much more comprehensive.
The Blue Mountain Trolley Tours to the Jenolan Caves of the Blue Mountains operates from Katoomba at 9:45am daily and the tour will end at Katoomba at 5pm. For more information on the tours available, visit

Note: Do take note that it will not be necessary to purchase a day tour from the tour operators if you drive.   The Visitor’s Centre at Jenolan Caves sells the individual cave tours and you could save a sum of money by purchasing the tickets directly from them (it is advisable to book early).  As at the point of writing, entrance fees for the Lucas Cave and Orient Cave are AUD32 and AUD38 respectively (total of AUD70)Our Blue Mountain Trolley Tours costs AUD109 (meaning each pays AUD39 more for the transport back and fro between Katoomba and Jenolan Caves).   There is no public transport to Jenolan Caves. 

Thank you for reading this post! You might want to check out Part 1 of this post - where we review our visit to the Lucas Cave.

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

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Jenolan Caves at Blue Mountains Sydney – Part I (Lucas Cave)

Sydney . 2013 . May 20

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

Many of us are more familiar and acquainted with the famous Three Sisters at Echo Point in the Blue Mountains Sydney.  However, the lesser known Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains is another place of interest that offers a whole new exciting experience.

The Journey to Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains

Jenolan Caves is located around 74km away from The Carrington Hotel Katoomba where we were staying.  Tommy and I do not drive, so the next best option to get ourselves to the caves would be to purchase a day tour (there is no public transport to the Jenolan Caves).  A few operators offer similar, if not identical tours to the Jenolan Caves, but do take note that these day tour operators do nothing but ferry you to and fro from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves with a bit of commentary thrown in to entertain you during the journey.  The actual cave tours is conducted by the staff of Jenolan Caves themselves, and whichever day tour you take, you will end up with the same cave guide that Jenolan assigns for that time schedule.

At 9:45am, all of us going for the Jenolan Caves tour gathered at the ticketing office of the Blue Mountains Trolley Tours.  We had a huge bus for this tour, but only 4-5 of us tourists in the bus! So it was a fairly comfortable ride with lots of space.

The promised commentary never took place, but oh well, we can do without that and focus on the rolling scenery outside.

The journey from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves took about 1.5 hrs, and at some point, we gained elevation along the way.
Tip: Try to be seated at the left side of the bus and snap those pictures of the beautiful Blue Lake at the entrance of the Jenolan Caves, so named for the colour of its water.  

Welcome to Jenolan Caves!

The Jenolan Caves are massive! Consisting of 11 spectacular caves, our first impression of the caves was an overwhelming sense of awe.

The Jenolan Caves are made up of limestone structures.  About 430 million years ago, this very ground was part of a shallow warm ocean.  Over millions of years, sediments comprising of dead marine animals such as corals and mollusc built up on the ocean floor and were compressed layer by layer, forming limestone rocks.   Gradually, as the ocean recedes, the limestone structures were subjected to erosion, forming the caves that we see today.

Lucas Cave Guided Tour

Our tour package with the Blue Mountains Trolley Tours included admission to the Lucas Cave and Orient Cave.  The Lucas Cave tour is the most popular tour at the Jenolan Caves, and tourists who are hard pressed for time are encouraged to do this tour first. 

The Lucas Cave guided tour starts at 11:30am, barely minutes after we arrived.  It was a pretty large group, not surprising, given that this is the most visited cave in Jenolan.  We found only later that the Lucas Cave is actually ranked as ‘strenuous’, and with 910 steps to climb, is one of the most taxing cave explorations in Jenolan.  

Our tour guide started us off with a brief history of the Jenolan Caves, how it was formed and most importantly, the cave rules, not just to ensure the safety of visitors, but also to safeguard and protect the natural state of the caves!  

After the mammoth task of climbing a long flight of stairs, our caving adventure officially begins.  What appears as a small entryway into the Lucas Cave soon repeats inside everywhere else in the cave.  For once I am glad I am short and petite, but even so, I find myself having to bend to avoid hitting my head on the rocks above.  We filed into the cave in a single line, trying hard to adjust our eyes to the dimmer interior of the caves and at some points, the claustrophobic sense of being enclosed within a narrow rock structure.

The temperature within the caves is a constant 15 degree Celsius all year round, regardless of the weather outside.  It promises to be a nice, cooling hike in the caves, but for people coming from the sunny side of the globe, it practically is a chilly experience.

Our tour guide leads the way in front, using a remote to control the lightings as we enter each chamber of the cave.  Some parts of the cave are also illuminated with coloured lights.

‘The Cathedral’

The Lucas Cave has the most massive chambers amongst all the caves in Jenolan, and the most spectacular one is ‘The Cathedral’ which is 54 metres high, and has one of the best acoustics in the world.  For that reason, it is often used as a venue for musical performances and weddings (very apt, since this chamber is called ‘The Cathedral’).

Have you ever wondered how it would be to explore a cave on your own, without facilities in there to help you along?  Our guide demonstrated that by switching off all the lights in ‘The Cathedral’!  It is pitch black and we could not even see our hands in front of us!  It’s difficult to imagine how early explorers built the structures in the cave with only a headlamp to help them.

See the water droplets in the photo?  The moisture level in the cave is high, and the steps tend to be wet and slippery, so it’s hardly an easy tour for young kids.  This area is called ‘The Slide’, with legends of visitors placed upon sacks and sent sliding down by the light of a candle.  At the bottom of the slide lies the exhibition chamber where the famous ‘Broken Column’ is housed.  Fortunately, thanks to early explorers who built staircases (albeit narrow ones), we need not be subjected to the slide.

As we descent deeper into the dungeon-like Lucas Cave, our guide stops periodically to gather us and point out natural formations and features of the cave.

These are the kind of structures we find regularly throughout the cave. They look like dried bacon hanging from the ceiling, don’t they?

Notice how the walls, ceiling and rocks sparkles?  Those are actually crystals embedded in the limestone formation.  They are found all over the cave, but visitors are not encouraged to touch them (cave rules applies).  Once upon a time, raiders actually carry off huge structures from the caves to extract crystals from them, resulting in a drastic depletion of natural resources in the cave.  It was not until the Jenolan caves were listed as a preserved area in the 1860s that this practice was stopped.

‘The Broken Column’

‘The Broken Column’ is the most photographed structure at the Jenolan Caves.  Located at the Exhibition Chamber of the Lucas Cave, the Broken Column would have at one time been connected from roof to ground, but the gradual caving in of the rockpile on the ground caused it to break into half.

Our guide stopped at the Exhibition chamber with a powerful light pointer to point out interesting structures to us.  Most of them are stalactites and stalagmite structures that have eroded to resemble animals, humans or deities, depending on how active your imagination is.

Doesn’t this look like a deity resting on the mountain top? It’s named as ‘The Bishop’, probably to tie in with the famous Cathedral.

The Underground River

Remember the Blue Lake at the entrance to the Jenolan Caves?  The Blue Lake gets its source from the underground river of the Lucas Cave.  The high calcium content (from dissolved limestone) gives the river (and hence the Blue Lake) the rich blue-ish green hue. 

Looking down 20 metres from the bridge at the underground river.  The cave is too dark for the camera to capture the looks of the river.

The Bone Chamber

The Bone Chamber was once littered with the fossils and bones of animals, but early explorers took them away with them.   The bone that we see now is actually a deliberate effort to plant an ‘exhibit’ here.   The highlights of this chamber is the myriad lights that decorates the cave.  From this point onwards, it is a short walk to the exit of the Lucas Cave and to the Blue Lake where the underground river flows into.

Exit from Lucas Cave

After 1.5 hrs of climbing, descending and walking in narrow spaces, we finally were going to see daylight again! The entire tour was so amazing and fascinating, we weren’t aware that 1.5 hrs had gone by.

And who should greet us at our exit is a Wallaby!  To be honest, I think we were both startled by the suddenness of each other’s approach.  We both left hastily, me out into the open air, and him into the darker crevices of the cave.  But not before we snapped a picture of him!

Looking at other another cave entrance and the Blue Lake from our advantage point somewhere in the middle of the mountains.

It was after the Lucas Cave tour that we found this notice board listing all the cave tours. We were surprised to find that the Lucas Cave was listed as ‘Strenuous’ and had the second highest number of steps to conquer.  Frankly, though the upwards climb was tough, there were multiple stops and rests along the way to look at structures so it didn’t feel as strenuous as it would be!

The Lucas Cave Tour takes place twice a day (at 11:30am and 2:00pm) on weekdays and more regularly on weekends.  For the tour schedule and updates, visit the Jenolan Cave official website.

The Blue Mountain Trolley Tours to the Jenolan Caves of the Blue Mountains operates from Katoomba at 9:45am daily and the tour will end at Katoomba at 5pm. For more information on the tours available, visit

Note: Do take note that it will not be necessary to purchase a day tour from the tour operators if you drive.   The Visitor’s Centre at Jenolan Caves sells the individual cave tours and you could save a sum of money by purchasing the tickets directly from them (it is advisable to book early).  As at the point of writing, entrance fees for the Lucas Cave and Orient Cave are AUD32 and AUD38 respectively (total of AUD70)Our Blue Mountain Trolley Tours costs AUD109 (meaning each pays AUD39 more for the transport back and fro between Katoomba and Jenolan Caves).   There is no public transport to Jenolan Caves. 
Coming up next – Part II of the Jenolan Caves.  Join us as we go caving in the Orient Cave.

This post is part of our Sydney 7 days 6 nights Trip Itinerary and Report. Do check out the full itinerary and our reviews here.

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