Berjaya Air to Redang

Redang . 2010 . Jun 26 - 29

We opted for the easier option of taking Berjaya Air from Seletar Airport to Redang Island. Berjaya Air is the only airline that flies from Singapore to Redang.  A round trip ticket cost SGD$298 per pax, not including airport charges of SGD $49.

Berjaya Air’s turbo propeller aircraft at Seletar Airport.

Ample leg space and a cosy seat.

Window seat near the turbo propellers.  Beware, the propellers do make a lot of noise during take-off, so ear plugs are highly recommended.

A seat on the left hand side of the aircraft allows you to have a preview of Malaysia’s eastern coastline.

Aerial view of Pulau Redang with its bay and lush greenery.

Redang Airport is a small, no-fuss, and open air airport that is served by only a few immigration officers.

Right after we disembarked from our flight and cleared immigration, a mini van from Berjaya Redang Beach Resorts was waiting outside to drive us to our resort.  We were greeted with the sight of a few kampong type houses and goats roaming the driveway.

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