Day 1 Diamond Princess Alaska Cruise – Vancouver Sailaway

Alaska Cruise . 2012 . Sep 15

After our long awaited embarkation and exploring our balcony cabin on board the Diamond Princess, it was time for our first lunch on board the Diamond Princess.

First Meal on Board the Diamond Princess

Most of the cruise lines that we had experience with do not serve the first meal at their dining rooms (with restaurant-style service) on the day of embarkation.  We were therefore a little surprised when we saw on the Princess Patter (a daily newletter published by the cruise line) that lunch was served at the International Dining Room.   It must have been a bad publication error on Princess’ part because when we arrived, we were told that the only place with lunch was the Horizon Court (buffet-style).  It didn’t matter much to us, but apparently, it did to another women who kicked up a great fuss much to the chagrin of her partner.

Horizon Court which is operational for most of the day is located at Deck 14 aft (aft=end of the ship, as opposed to forward=front of the ship).  We had a quick late lunch at this buffet-style restaurant

General Emergency Exercise

It is required by law that all passengers must attend an emergency evacuation exercise. At the start of the exercise, there will be alarms and broadcast requesting passengers to report to their designated Muster Stations for the emergency exercise with the life jackets (life jackets are located in the walk-in wardrobe of each cabin).  All passenger’s cruise cards are scanned upon entry as a form of attendance checking!   Fortunately, our station is at the Princess Theatre which is conveniently located.  The whole exercise took about 20 mins, but I had absolutely no idea of what happened during those 20 mins, because I had a nice after-lunch nap on the very comfortable seat at the Princess Theatre!!

Vancouver Sailaway

Diamond Princess sails away from Vancouver at 4pm Canadian time!  Join the cruise staff and fellow passengers for song and dance at Deck 14 during the sailaway!  There is a life band on deck to jazz up the atmosphere.  We opted for the privacy and sanctuary of our private balcony instead.

Photos taken on board Diamond Princess at its dock at Canada Place.

From our dock at Canada Place, the Diamond Princess heads out to the waters of the Burrard Inlet.  On the port side (=left hand side of the ship), you can spot Stanley Park.  On the starboard side (= right hand side of the ship) where our balcony is, the Coast Mountain Ranges can be seen.

Get ready to wave goodbye to people on the Lion’s Gate Bridge.  The Lion’s Gate Bridge spans the Burrard Inlet and signifies the gateway between Vancouver City and the open waters that lies ahead.

Coming up next:

Day 1 of Diamond Princess Alaska Cruise – Dinner and Showtime

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