Restaurant Review – King Salmon Restaurant @ Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge

Alaska CruiseTour . 2012 . Sep 24

Breakfast is not included in our stay at the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge and with the shops across the street closed, we have somewhat no other choice but to dine in one of the restaurants in the Lodge.  We were deliberating between the King Salmon Restaurant and the Base Camp Bar and Grill next to it, but we eventually picked King Salmon because we were more drawn to its breakfast menu.

The Menu 

The King Salmon Restaurant is a mid-range restaurant. Click here to view their breakfast menu.

The Seat

We were given a window at a corner overlooking the Nenana River.  Space was tight at this corner, and we were too close to other tables for comfort.  It’s only redeeming factor was the scenery outside. This morning, we woke up to a snowy morning and could watch snowflakes flutter to the ground as we had our hot breakfast indoors.

View of the Nenana River from the King Salmon Restaurant.

The Service

Service at the King Salmon was not too bad.  It could help if the waiter was as attentive as the one at the Mountain View Dining Room, but it was pretty crowded at the restaurant this morning and we could understand if the waiter had his attention split.

The Food

Alaskan Buttermilk Pancakes (USD $9).  Yummy.  I love pancakes and this version is soft and buttery, done very much to my liking.

Alaskan Breakfast ($10). Two eggs with ham, reindeer sausage, served with breakfast potatoes and toast.

Yes, you seen it right.  It is reindeer sausage, as in sausages made from the meat of the reindeer.  From this part of the world that we come from, reindeers are associated only with Santa and not seen as food.  But in Alaska, the natives do rear these animals as farm animals.  In fact, during the Natural History Tour, the Alaskan native told us that her son had a successful hunting trip and came back with a Moose (a close relative of the reindeer) of which its skin became insulation for their home and its meat was sufficient to feed them for weeks.

Ok, although we were a bit apprehensive about having to eat the meat of a reindeer, we must admit that it tastes quite good.

The Bill

The total bill came up to USD $19, which was quite ok for such a hearty breakfast! :)

Join us in our next article as we bring you to Fairbanks, the last stop of our Alaska holiday.     

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