Fun day with animals @ Taman Safari II, Surabaya ( Part 2 of 2)

Surabaya . 2012 . Nov 18 - 21

This post is a continuation of our previous post on Fun day with animals @ Taman Safari II, Surabaya ( Part 1 of 2).

After visiting the Lion's Den, it was time to have some fun with the orang utans.

The Orang Utan playground.  These playful creatures look like they are performing a  trapeze for us!

Trees are covered with a layer of metal gauze to prevent the animals from chewing on the tree bark and injuring themselves.


Lot and lots of Bambi!

Can’t remember the name of this species, but they belong to the deer family as well.

This is a very good example of how animals blend in with their environment either for defence or to catch their prey.  Can you spot what is lurking in the shadows?

 Did you manage to spot the Leopard?

How about this one? Clue: Look closely at the bushes....

This one is more difficult...its the Monitor Lizard!

 Beware of Crocodiles!

We saw some rhinos as well.

And some zebras..

 This Zebra seems to have missed his bus....just joking.. :)

The Eland, a member of either species of the Taurotragus genus of antelope.

The Elephant Habitat.  Most of the elephants here are female, judging from the fact that most of them do not have tusks.

Last look at the Elephants before we leave their habitat..

It was time to look at some humps...the camels!

 Crossing the river.

and we saw a hidden hippo...

This are the tallest feeding huts in the safari, for they are for the giraffes.

Out of the Safari and into the Baby Zoo

Taman Safari consists of not just the safari area, but educational shows, stuntman shows, and a safari elephant tracking ride amongst others.

We dropped by the baby zoo to look at some cuddly animals.  Photo-opportunities are available, but we had to pay for the ticket to do so.

From what we have learnt from the keepers, there are always 2 different baby animals every day for photo-taking.  These animals vary from day to day to give them sufficient rest.   We had a baby orang utan and a baby white tiger on our day!

The baby orang utan is pretty tame and easy to handle!  If you are lucky, he'll also look at you endearingly just like a human!

Kenzo the male white tiger is merely 7 months old, but he already weighs much more than me.

Kenzo became impatient and irritated after a day of photo-taking and I was somewhat apprehensive when it was my turn.  It didn’t help that the keeper kept making noise to wake him up for the photoshoot.  Although the keeper kept reassuring me that it was safe to be near the tiger, it was a pretty scary experience I will never want to do this again.

For those who are interested, Kenzo’s parents are kept in a sanctuary just behind his enclosure.

Overall, we had a GREAT time at Taman Safari II!. So the next time you visit Surabaya, we would recommend that you make a visit to the Safari.

If you had come to this page through a search engine, you might want to read Part 1 of this post for our complete review.

Taman Safari Indonesia II

Opens every day from 08:30 until 17:00.
Ticket Price: Foreign Tourist Rp 100.000

Guide Map (From Taman Safari II Website)
Click on the map to view a larger image. 

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