How to go from Penang International Airport to G Hotel

Penang . 2013 . Jan 17 - 20

This post is a continuation of our previous post on Air Asia flight to Penang.
You may also read the full review of our 4 Days 3 Nights short getaway trip to Penang here.

The aerobridge was not used to connect the aircraft to the passenger building. Thankfully, it was a short walk under the hot sun! :) We can't imagine if it was raining that day! Nevertheless, we had travelled on budget carriers a number of times now and were quite used to this.

We noticed that Penang Airport is currently under renovation for most of the area. Most of the areas were cordoned off around the airport and we had to walk quite a distance before reaching the customs.

There was a small cafe in the arrival hall, where you can still have a quick bite before going to George Town, Gurney Drive or Batu Ferringhi.

For those who prefers to drive around Penang, there are car rental counters right at the arrival hall of the airport.

As we did not check in any luggage, we could immediately proceed to the taxi counter to buy a taxi coupon to take a cab to G Hotel Penang, our home for the next 3 days.

Tip: The taxi counter is just outside the Arrival Hall. Look out for the sign in the Arrival Hall.

Once you see this sign along the road at the airport, you just need to follow the sign to the taxi counter.

Airport White Taxi Counter. Prices are already fixed and is published on the notice board at the side of the counter. You just need to tell the counter staff the hotel name and she would quote you the exact price based on the zone the hotel is located. There is no need for haggling with the taxi driver. However, going back to the airport from your hotel is another matter altogether. :)

G Hotel is located in Zone 5 and would cost us MYR $44.70 one way. If you are staying at George Town area, the price is the same although the distance is shorter.

Note that there are midnight charges for journeys starting from 12:00 midnight to 6:59 am. The same journey to G Hotel would have cost us MYR $67!

If you are staying in a hotel in Batu Ferringhi, the cost to your hotel would be MYR $69 for daytime and MYR $103.50 for midnight rate.

Our White Taxi Coupon, with our driver waiting in the background. You just need to pass the coupon to the taxi driver and tell him the name of your hotel and off you go! :)

The journey to G Hotel takes slightly less around 45 minutes on taxi. During our trip planning stage, we were contemplating taking a public bus (Rapid Penang) but were put off by the lack of direct bus to the Gurney drive area where G Hotel is located.  We would need to change bus at Komtar to go to G Hotel.
Buses 401 and 401E goes to George town (Komtar) from the airport. So if you are staying at a hotel near the George town area, you might want to save some money taking the public transport.

Follow us on our next Post: Lunch @ Rou Gu Cha KING | 肉骨茶王 (Gurney Plaza)

If you are interested to follow our 4D3N shortgetaway Penang Trip, click here for our trip itinerary and the links to all our posts!

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Airline Review: Air Asia Flight to Penang

Penang . 2013 . Jan 17 - 20

This is the 3rd time we are taking an Air Asia flight (the first two being to Langkawi and Kuala Lumpur). It must be said that our experiences with Air Asia has been pleasant, with on-time departures and arrivals. :)
You can read our previous reviews on Air Asia to Langkawi here and to Kuala Lumpur here.

Total cost of air tickets was quite reasonable @ SGD $308 for 2 pax with the breakdown as follows:

Per Person                               SGD

Return Fare:                              $56
Airport Charges / Taxes:            $80
Seat Selection:                           $6
Air Asia Travel Insurance:          $12
Total:                                       $154

It wasn't the cheapest fare that Air Asia could offer for Penang as we had decided to buy the tickets only a month before our departure dates.

Tip: You could try booking different airlines on the two sectors (e.g. Taking Air Asia to Penang, and then Jetstar Asia back to Singapore) to take advantage of promotional fares on both sectors.

Air Asia Self Check In Counters. You can still check in here if you have not done it online before your arrival at the airport.

Tip: You might want to check in online first before you come to the airport. Think most people do that as we don't see queues forming to use the self check in counters.

Queues at Baggage Drop Counters. We were happy that we made the decision to bring along only carry-on bags this time. We just need to proceed to the Document Check Counters with our self-printed boarding passes for verification by the Air Asia staff.

Notice the short Document Check queue on the left of the photo.

Notice for Singapore NS Men. A reminder for Singaporean Males to notify our overseas trips as part of our National Service committment to the country.

Kaya Bread, Half Boiled Egg and Milo @ Killiney Kopitiam Terminal 1 Transit Area

Spotted our Air Asia aircraft! Parked at the apron area.

We had not taken Air Asia since our last flight to Kuala Lumpur in 2012. When we got to our seats, we were pleasantly impressed that the dining menus have a new look! It certainly looks more classy and readable now. :)

As the flight time was only 1h 20 mins, we did not order any food on board, unlike our Langkawi trip.

Air Asia in-flight Duty Free Shopping Catalogue. Quite comprehensive but cheap. Tempting to buy some of the items...:)

Comfortable legspace even for 1.8m tall Tommy. Definitely enough for the petite Samantha! :)

Time flies fast, especially for a short sector flight! Soon we were approaching Penang Island.

Penang Island slowly coming into view..

Landing at Penang International Airport

G International Airport? Anyway, Welcome to Penang! :)

Overall, the flight was pleasant and we touch down at Penang International Airport a bit early than schedule at 12.50pm.

Follow us on our next Post: Airport to G Hotel

If you are interested to follow our 4D3N shortgetaway Penang Trip, click here for our trip itinerary and the links to all our posts!

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Alaska Cruise Trip - Our Full Story


Dear Visitor,

Thank you for following Discover . Book . Travel 's adventure and stories on our recent Alaska Cruise Trip.

We have completed our full story of the Alaska Cruise.
Do click on the links below to read them!

Alaska Cruise Resources
  1. 10 Top Tips for a GREAT Alaska Holiday!
  2. 6 Most Common questions when planning for an Alaskan Cruise Tour
  3. Cruise Dining 101 - Types of Cruise Meals
Alaska Banner

Alaska Diamond Princess Cruise story so far...

Day 1 (Embarkation)
  1. Embarkation
  2. Oceanview Double with Balcony at Caribe Deck
  3. Vancouver Sailaway
  4. It's Dinner and Showtime!
Day 2 (At Sea)
  1. Breakfast + Shopping + Lunch
  2. Naturalist Presentation
  3. Exploring the Diamond Princess
  4. Afternoon Tea, First Formal Night & Dance Show
Day 3 (Ketchikan)
  1. Cruising into Ketchikan
  2. Neets Bay Bear Cruise
  3. Exploring Downtown Ketchikan
Cruise to Alaska! Click Here

Day 4 (Juneau)
  1. Whale Watching Trip
  2. Mendahall Glacier Viewing
  3. Sights of Juneau
  4. Shopping and Dining in Downtown Juneau
Day 5 (Skagway)
  1. Yukon Expedition & White Pass Scenic Railway
  2. Caribou Crossing - Animal Farm, Dog Sled Ride and Wildlife Museum
  3. Carcross, Lake Bennett and White Pass & Yukon Route Railway
  4. Exploring Skagway Downtown
Day 6 (Glacier Bay National Park)
  1. Glacier Bay National Park Scenic Cruising
  2. Margerie Glacier and Grand Pacific Glacier
  3. John Hopkins Glacier
Day 7 (College Fjord)
  1. College Fjord
Day 8 (McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge)
  1. Journey on the McKinley Express
  2. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge
  3. Mountain View Dining Room 
Day 9 (Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge)
  1. Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge
  2. Denali Natural History Tour
Day 10 (Denali / Fairbanks)
  1. King Salmon Restaurant Breakfast
  2. Fairbanks Riverside Cruise Part 1 *New*
  3. Fairbanks Riverside Cruise Part 2 *New*
  4. Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge *New* 
    Alaska Diamond Princess Cruise Meals Full Menu
    1. Day 1 Welcome Dinner
    2. Day 2 Breakfast
    3. Day 2 Luncheon
    4. Day 2 Captain's Welcome Dinner
    5. Day 3 Dinner
    6. Day 4 Dinner (Italian)
    7. Day 5 Dinner (Chef's Dinner)
    8. Day 6 Dinner (Captain's Gala Dinner)
    9. Day 7 Breakfast
    10. Day 7 Dinner

    Cruise to Alaska! Click Here

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    Like us on Facebook @ Discover. Book . Travel and follow us on Twitter @Discoverbooktra!

    Do check out our Flickr photos & Youtube videos too!

    Hotel Review: Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge

    Alaska CruiseTour . 2012 . Sep 24 - 25

    If Mt McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge is described as peaceful, the Denali Princess Wildernerss Lodge as busy, then the only word that came to my mind when we stepped into the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge was ‘chaotic’.   There were guests everywhere looking lost.  The corridors were always busy and noisy and filled with people.  Hardly the peaceful scenery you would associate with a lodge.

    The Main Lodge and Surroundings

    This particular Princess facility is unlike the McKinley and Denali Princess Wilderness Lodges that we stayed for the previous 2 nights.  Although it is called a ‘lodge’, the building and its interior does not evoke the feeling of a Lodge.  Built more like a modern low-rise version of a hotel, all the rooms are connected to the main reception area through separate wings.

    Road leading to the lodge.

    Drop off point and Main Reception building.

    Check-in desk.

    Edgewater Dining Room.

    Cozy area.

    Gift Shop at the main building.

    The outdoor refreshment area of one of the restaurants.  Fantastic view here.

    The Room

    It was a relief to retire from the chaotic scene of the main building to our room.  The room assigned to us was pretty far from the main building, but that was fine with us as we did not mind the walking.  However, we see bags of rubbish placed outside rooms in the corridor leading up to our room.  That was neither a pleasant sight nor a good first impression.
    We also found a mysterious piece of dirty cloth outside our room as a 'welcome gift'.

    We were very disappointed with the room assigned.  The room was spacious and generally clean, but immediately upon stepping in, we could tell that that the curtains could not be completely drawn at one of the sides, causing the glaring afternoon sun to blaze right into our room.   This is a room on the ground floor and we find it unacceptable that the hotel staff were not vigilant enough to ensure that guests’ privacy are not compromised by such an oversight. 

    At least the view outside the room was good.

    We also found an iPhone charger in the bathroom left over by the previous guest.  I won’t want to judge the standard of housekeeping by this, but well, if I could find a phone charger in the bathroom and they did not…..?  To make things worse, we had to track all the way back to the reception to hand the item to them.  The lady behind the counter looked surprised when we said we found this in our room, but did not even offer a word of apology.  Well, I guess that not looking thoroughly through the room to ensure that it is fit for the next guest is the norm here then.

    The Experience

    We would have overlooked all our misgivings on the lapses in housekeeping, if not for a large fiasco involving our luggage.  Those of you who have been following our Alaska Cruise series would remember us raving about the wonderful logistics management and accommodation of Princess Cruises throughout most of the cruise and land tour.  It is with great disappointment that we relate this negative incident at the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge.

    Fairbanks was the last destination in our 11-day holiday in Alaska.  Having disembarked from the Diamond Princess 3 days ago, we brought 2 travelling luggages with us to Mt McKinkey and Denali and a piece of large luggage was sent directly to Fairbanks.
    We knew something was wrong right from the start when we did not find this piece of luggage waiting outside our room as was the case for other guests around us.   We immediately called the concierge and was told that they might not have completed their delivery and our luggage should arrive at our room in an hour or so.  An hour later, we still did not have our luggage and had to call the concierge again.   This time, the bell boy said that it could have been sent to the wrong room and asked for a description of our luggage. (Imagine the anxiety we had – the possibility of our stuff delivered to the wrong room!  How on earth are they going to locate my luggage when there are so many rooms in the lodge). 

    After another hour of anxiety, the bell boy came to our room with a luggage which he hoped was ours, but unfortunately was not.  He told us he will get back to us again within half an hour.  When that time was up, we called them again and this time, we were told that the luggage could have been delivered to another lodge and they would call all the other lodges and try and get back to me within another half an hour (By this point, I am starting to pull out my hair).  A few phone calls and a few half hours passed and we still have absolutely no idea what happened to our luggage.
    We had an early flight to catch at 8.40am the next morning and needed the space in that luggage to pack our stuff.  It was late in the night when we finally had no choice but to speak to the manager with great agitation and anger.  When I asked him to check his records whether the piece of luggage had ever left the Diamond Princess 3 days ago, he never gave me a direct reply and I was entertained with further reassurances that they would get back to us as soon as they can.
    At close to midnight, they finally delivered the luggage to us.  We were told that the luggage tag had dropped off during delivery and was lost in transit.  What baffles me was that even if the luggage tag had dropped off, they had 3 days to classify this as lost luggage and alert all lodges to keep a look-out.  But what was given to us was different stories each time we called, a general indifference to our anxiety, and a mechanical reply to all our queries.  The whole episode took 5-6 hours to resolve, leaving us mentally and physically exhausted.  We had no chance to explore the facilities or to have a good dinner.   This is definitely not a good ending to a fabulous holiday.

    The Facilities

    The only redeeming factor for the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge was the provision of a luggage weighing scale for guests to weigh their luggage before a flight and the flight departures times and other info at the lobby.  This is a simple and thoughtful gesture that we thought all other hotels should offer to their guests.

    The hotel provides airport shuttle to the airport, which was included in our cruise tour package. We will be transferring to the airport at 6.30 am on the Alaska Airlines Flight Number 124 to Seattle.

    Weather reports were also provided on the LCD screen on Fairbanks as well as other parts of Alaska.

    It seems like the lodge also provide scheduled shuttle services (at USD $5 round trip) to Downtown Fairbanks and Fred Meyer, which we were unfortunately unable to utilise due to the luggage incident.

    We were also provided with luggage tags with our flight numbers written on them to tag our luggages by the hotel.

    The Verdict

    It was unfortunate that our last stop in Alaska at Fairbanks was blighted by a negative experience. We hope that ours was just an isolated incident (after all, we had such a pleasant time at the McKinley and Denali lodges) and that other guests have a better experience with the lodge.  We have plans to go back to Alaska again, but will give this hotel a miss.  

    Alaska Cruise Series

    With that, we have come to the end of our Alaska cruise series. For those of you who have been following our posts, we thank you for your support and hope that they have been beneficial and informational.

    If you have come here through a search engine and would like to read our full Alaska cruise adventure, do click here for our summary page  for the links to all our posts!

    With that, we leave you with some fabulous sunrise photos we took at Fairbanks Airport! :)


    Read these too!

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