Watch these funny videos from KLM Mobile Crowdsourcing Challenge in Asia!

As technology geeks, we are never away from our panel of gadgets – smartphones, tablets, and laptops follow us even as we travel, be it on a flight, at desolated national parks and nature reserves or on hiking trips up the mountains.  These gadgets had become such an integrated part of our lives that it becomes crippling to live without them, especially during our travel adventures where we needed to be constantly in control and in touch with our flight schedules and connections.

KLM has recently launched their mobile crowdsourcing challenge in Asia, with the objective of inviting video creatives to communicate the wide variety of mobile and online services that KLM offers. This took the form of short video clips that portray some very creative and out of the box ideas, with one main key message: 
With KLM, you can take full control of your trip with your mobile phone.

We present to you two of these highly entertaining and funny videos to jazz up your day.  After all, these short stories may just strike a chord with those of us who cannot bear to put down our mobile phones – at any time. 

Video 1 (HR Meeting)

Video 2 (Chopsticks)

Check out the extensive range of mobile services that KLM offers. Book a flight, view your travel details, arrange extras for your journey, check in for your flight and obtain flight schedules.  All with the ease and convenience of your mobile phone. With KLM mobile, take control of your trip with your mobile phone, anytime, anywhere.

This is a sponsored post of a travel partner of Discover Book Travel.


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