City Sights @ Langkawi

Langkawi . 2009 . Sep 27 - 30

Langkawi does not offer much in terms of shopping if you are looking for fashion item (not like KL).  Its shopping malls takes on a fairly sleepy feel with only a few shoppers browsing at their shops.  However, if you are into arts and craft and handiworks to bring back as a souvenir, you might just be able to find something to your liking.

If you are a smoker or a drinker, the island's duty free status would delight you! Buying liquor or tobacco on Langkawi is super cheap.

We visited the Langkawi Fair (Persiaran Putra, Kuah, Tel: +604 969 8100, open daily 10:00 – 22:00) which has more than 100 shops teeming with cut-price goods.

Eagle Square (Dataran Lang)

The status as the most prominent icon at Langkawi island surely belongs to the statue of the great Eagle at Engle Square, also known as Dataran Lang to the locals.  This imposing 12-metres high monument can be seen from a distance and is strategically placed to welcome visitors as they arrive from boats or ferries to Langkawi island.  The square is surrounded by scenic water bodies,  covered terraces and bridges and engages the visitor to walk around and admire the beautiful scenery of the sea.

If you are at Kuah Jetty, do stop by eagle square to admire the majesty of the brown eagle looking out at sea!

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