Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa Buffet Breakfast

Langkawi . 2009 . Sep 27 - 30

The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa has one of the best buffet breakfast in town. Look at the amazing spread of food. Guests are treated to a fantastic choice of yogurts, juices, fruits, cheeses, cornflakes, breads and pastries, and hot savoury items. With good lighting and thoughtfulness in the placement of items, everything looks so appetizing to us.

Buffet Breakfast

Let the photos do the talking...

It sure looks delicious and sumptious.. right? :) So if you are staying at Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa in Langkawi next time, do take up their buffet breakfast offer! Do check out our review of their buffet dinner too!

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