Day 6 Diamond Princess Alaska Cruise - Glacier Bay National Park – A day of Scenic Cruising

Alaska Cruise (Glacier Bay National Park) . 2012 . Sep 20

One of the key reasons why we chose to sail with Princess Cruises was that the itinerary included a day of scenic cruising at the Glacier Bay National Park.  We consider this the highlight of the entire Alaska cruise.  Timed perfectly after 3 hectic ports of call (Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway), the scenic cruise to Glacier Bay National Park allows us to stay on board for the entire day.

The Glacier Bay National Park is a protected area, and each day, only 2 cruise ships are allowed entry in a bid to safeguard its wildlife.  Therefore, we consider it a kind of privilege to have the chance to view the natural beauty of Glacier Bay National Park.

While most of its passengers were still sound asleep, the Diamond Princess was already picking up a pair of National Park rangers at 6:00am at Bartlett Cove.  The rangers from the Glacier Bay National Park are especially important in explaining to the passengers the history of the formation of Glacier Bay National Park, its wildlife and the glaciers that we see along the journey.  

Tip: Tune in to the announcement channel at the Diamond Princess from your cabin, for the park rangers will be helping to spot wildlife on deck.  Get the cameras and binoculars ready!!

We had to stakeout at our balcony at Caribe Deck with some hot breakfast delivered to our cabin in order not to miss any actions out in the sea.

Generally, the lower waters of the bay tend to be richer in marine life. For this reason, the Icy Straits is one of the most wildlife-rich waters that the ship will pass through.  Humpback whales and sea otters are known to be in abundance here!

As the Diamond Princess continues its journey further into Glacier Bay National Park, the waters of the bay becomes more turquoise.

Spot the Norwegian Jewel cruising ahead of us.  The Norwegian Jewel is the only other cruise ship visiting the Glacier Bay National Park today, with the Diamond Princess trailing quite closely behind.  At one point, the crew of the Diamond Princess received a radio from the Norwegian Jewel to inform us to look out for humpback whales up ahead!! Thanks so much, Norwegian Jewel!

The awe inspiring beauty of Glacier Bay National Park

First sight of bits of ice in the water, giving an indication that we are reaching our first destination at Glacier Bay National ParkMargerie Glacier.

The pieces of ice gets denser as we approach Margerie Glacier.

Hope you like our photos!

Join us in our next article as we bring you to Margerie Glacier.

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