Day 7 Diamond Princess Alaska Cruise - College Fjord – Last day of Scenic Cruising

Alaska Cruise (College Fjord) . 2012 . Sep 21

This is the last day of our 7 night Alaska cruise vacation on board the Diamond Princess and the second day of scenic cruising as we sail to College Fjord. Alas, unlike the good weather we enjoyed just the day before at the Glacier Bay National Park, today is marked with stormy weather, with rain pelting down on us non-stop. It was a perfect condition for glacier-making, but a horrible time for glacier and wildlife viewing.
The Dimond Princess arrived off College Fjord approximately at 5pm amd sailed for Whittier at around 730pm.

College Fjord is so named because it consists of a series of glaciers named after Ivy League colleges in the East Coast of the United States.   Incidentally, the glaciers on the one side of the channel are named after male colleges and the ones on the other side, after the female colleges. In the peace and calm of the waters, it is hard to believe that this exact site was the epicentre of a major earthquake in 1964.


As the Diamond Princess started to sail off towards Whittier, we made our way to the Dining Room for our dinner. It was the last dinner on board, and as though to leave an impression on its customers, the Chef presented the best dinner we had so far. Check out the menu here!

Join us in our next article as we disembark from the beautiful Diamond Princess and begin our land tour across Alaska.

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