A & W Restaurant / Jalan Alor

Kuala Lumpur . 2012 . Jan 14-15

Dinner on our first day was at an A&W outlet on the way back to our hotel.  I don’t understand why there are no longer any A&W outlets in Singapore.  We used to enjoy the root beer floats, the waffles and the curly fries back then.  So, while we are in Malaysia, we absolutely had to eat it at least once!  It still tastes as good as I remember it.

Jalan Alor is a street lined with numerous open air food stalls, Chinese restaurants and eateries on both sides of the road.  Once you enter this street, you’ll be amazed at the transformation and the differences between this street and its surrounding shopping malls and high rise buildings.  The food street is bustling with people and activities, with the aroma of BBQ seafood and satay permeating the air.

We tried looking for the famous Wong Ah Wah Grilled Chicken Wings located at Jalan Alor, but to no avail as there were just too many food stalls around.  We walked until the end of the street and there was still no sight of this stall.  We later found out that the ‘end’ we saw was not actually the end of the street, there was a further extension that we did not see.  And so that was how we missed the chance to taste the best and most famous grilled chicken wing in KL.

Read these too!

  • Find out more on where we went and what we eat in KL here!
  • Read more about our flight from Singapore to KL on Air Asia here!
  • Read more about our hotel in KL here!

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