Underwater Paradise @ Redang

Redang . 2010 . Jun 26 - 29

Our stay at the Berjaya Redang Resort comes with a free half day snorkelling trip to a place called Turtle Bay.  We thought that a ‘Bay’ would come with shallow waters, but we were so wrong!  The water was deep (and not so suitable for a beginner at snorkelling) and choppy, so hang on tight to each other if you are a poor swimmer.

Tip:  Come prepared and armed with your underwater cameras and sun-block before going to Redang.  Things could be expensive there and you end up paying more for the same thing.

Beautiful and massive coral structures taken with our disposable underwater camera...

This feels like swimming in an aquarium with no boundaries.
We were so impressed by the beautiful scenery underwater that we went back to the hotel and booked another half day snorkelling package from a private operator.   It felt like a private tour as there was only another visitor with us on the boat.  The package included snorkelling at five sites with a lunch break at long beach (lunch not included) and the last site at the Marine Park

Tip:  Book a snorkelling package with their local boat operators.  These locals do know where the best sites are and offer you free commentary on the type of corals and marine life you get to see at each site.  Our guide pointed out to us the green corals and brain corals, and the shadow of a sea turtle at the seabed as seen from the water surface.
Bring some bread with you to attract the fishes!

Snorkelling at the Marine Park.  Although this is an area protected by the government, we could see the damage already done to the corals here.  It is overpopulated with tourists who swim into you and the corals are less massive than the ones we saw at other sites, much of them already showing the signs of coral bleaching.  If you have an experienced local boat-man with you, they will be able to advise you on better sites to snorkel at.  This Marine Park is not worth a visit.

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