Day 6 Diamond Princess Alaska Cruise - Glacier Bay National Park – Margerie Glacier & Grand Pacific Glacier

Alaska Cruise (Glacier Bay National Park) . 2012 . Sep 20 

The Diamond Princess arrives at the Margerie Glacier at about 11am.  As the Diamond Princess approaches the Margerie Glacier, it slows down considerably in order not to disturb the pieces of ice in the water.

Margerie Glacier

Cruise ships are not allowed to dock anywhere at the Glacier Bay National Park, but the Diamond Princess will move as close to the Margerie Glacier as possible in order to allow its passengers optimal view.  In all, the Diamond Princess stays at the Margerie Glacier for about an hour, rotating slowly and carefully during this one hour to allow passengers on both sides of the ship an optimal view.

The face (vertical view) of the Margerie Glacier.

More views and diffrent angles of the Margerie Glacier

Considered as one of the most active glacier in the park, the Margerie glacier calves once every few minutes, causing a loud thunderous noise and large chucks of ice to fall into the sea below.  Calving occurs at the face of the glacier as the pressure of the ice from behind combined with the melting of the ice below causes large chunks of ice to fall off from the terminal face of the glacier.  This is a completely random event and could happen anytime, so keep your eyes peeled! We guarantee the spectacular view is worth the effort!  During our one hour stay at the Margerie Glacier, we watched the face of the glacier calve at least a dozen times!!

Grand Pacific Glacier

The Grand Pacific Glacier is the glacier responsible for carving out the Glacier Bay National Park that we see today.  Located just adjacent to the Margerie, it is a retreating glacier and  has lost much of its former glory, leaving in its wake, a land of silt.

Everyone is out on the decks hoping to snag a front seat view of the Margerie Glacier, it becomes impossible to take a good picture without having a stranger in your pictures as well.  This is one of the reasons why I would pay a little more for a balcony cabin, just to have my own private, unobstructed view of the scenery.  

National Park Rangers Information Booth

The National Park rangers are out on deck to answer any questions that passengers have about Glacier Bay and its wildlife.  In addition, they also set up an information booth near the indoor pool area.  We recommend that you spend a few minutes here, for it is truly interesting and informative.

Cruising map of the Glacier Bay National Park.

Furs of the various wildlife in Alaska, ranging from the coarse hairs of land animals such as bears and moose, to the smooth furs of marine creatures such the sea otters and seals.  We especially liked touching the furs of the sea-dwelling animals as they are so silky, thick and warm!

The Diamond Princess spends about 9-10 hours of the day cruising along the Glacier Bay National Park, including the one hour stopover at the Margerie Glacier.   Join us as we continue our epic journey across the Glacier Bay National Park to the John Hopkins Glacier

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